製品: Phospho-NFAT2 (Ser294) Antibody
カタログ: AF8012
タンパク質の説明: Rabbit polyclonal antibody to Phospho-NFAT2 (Ser294)
アプリケーション: WB IHC
反応性: Human, Mouse, Rat
予測: Bovine, Rabbit
分子量: 78,101kDa; 101kD(Calculated).
ユニプロット: O95644
RRID: AB_2840075


   サイズ 価格 在庫状況
 100ul $350 在庫あり
 200ul $450 在庫あり

リードタイム: 当日配達

For pricing and ordering contact:


WB 1:1000-3000, IHC 1:50-1:200
*The optimal dilutions should be determined by the end user.

WB: For western blot detection of denatured protein samples. IHC: For immunohistochemical detection of paraffin sections (IHC-p) or frozen sections (IHC-f) of tissue samples. IF/ICC: For immunofluorescence detection of cell samples. ELISA(peptide): For ELISA detection of antigenic peptide.

Bovine(85%), Rabbit(100%)
Phospho-NFAT2 (Ser294) Antibody detects endogenous levels of NFAT2 only when phosphorylated at Ser294.
引用形式: Affinity Biosciences Cat# AF8012, RRID:AB_2840075.
The antibody is from purified rabbit serum by affinity purification via sequential chromatography on phospho-peptide and non-phospho-peptide affinity columns.
Rabbit IgG in phosphate buffered saline , pH 7.4, 150mM NaCl, 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol. Store at -20 °C. Stable for 12 months from date of receipt.


cytoplasmic 1; MGC138448; NF ATc; NF ATc1; NF-ATc; NF-ATc1; NF-ATc1.2; NFAC1_HUMAN; NFAT 2; NFAT transcription complex cytosolic component; NFATC 1; NFATc; NFATc1; Nuclear factor of activated T cells cytoplasmic 1; Nuclear factor of activated T cells cytoplasmic calcineurin dependent 1; Nuclear factor of activated T cells cytosolic component 1; nuclear factor of activated T-cells 'c'; Nuclear factor of activated T-cells;



Expressed in thymus, peripheral leukocytes as T-cells and spleen. Isoforms A are preferentially expressed in effector T-cells (thymus and peripheral leukocytes) whereas isoforms B and isoforms C are preferentially expressed in naive T-cells (spleen). Isoforms B are expressed in naive T-cells after first antigen exposure and isoforms A are expressed in effector T-cells after second antigen exposure. Isoforms IA are widely expressed but not detected in liver nor pancreas, neural expression is strongest in corpus callosum. Isoforms IB are expressed mostly in muscle, cerebellum, placenta and thymus, neural expression in fetal and adult brain, strongest in corpus callosum.




Score>80(red) has high confidence and is suggested to be used for WB detection. *The prediction model is mainly based on the alignment of immunogen sequences, the results are for reference only, not as the basis of quality assurance.

Model Confidence:
High(score>80) Medium(80>score>50) Low(score<50) No confidence

PTMs - O95644 基板として

Site PTM Type Enzyme
R23 Methylation
S117 Phosphorylation
S151 Phosphorylation
S158 Phosphorylation
S161 Phosphorylation
S169 Phosphorylation
S172 Phosphorylation P27361 (MAPK3) , Q16539 (MAPK14) , P45983 (MAPK8) , P53779 (MAPK10)
S175 Phosphorylation
S176 Phosphorylation
S178 Phosphorylation
S179 Phosphorylation
S181 Phosphorylation
S184 Phosphorylation
S187 Phosphorylation
Y197 Phosphorylation
S211 Phosphorylation
S233 Phosphorylation
S237 Phosphorylation
S241 Phosphorylation
S245 Phosphorylation P17612 (PRKACA)
S250 Phosphorylation
S257 Phosphorylation
S261 Phosphorylation
S269 Phosphorylation P17612 (PRKACA)
S278 Phosphorylation
S282 Phosphorylation
S286 Phosphorylation
S290 Phosphorylation
S294 Phosphorylation P17252 (PRKCA) , P17612 (PRKACA)
S324 Phosphorylation
K337 Ubiquitination
S345 Phosphorylation
K349 Sumoylation
S359 Phosphorylation
Y371 Phosphorylation P52333 (JAK3)
K379 Ubiquitination
Y386 Phosphorylation
Y394 Phosphorylation
K398 Ubiquitination
S403 Phosphorylation
S409 Phosphorylation
Y426 Phosphorylation
T504 Phosphorylation
S512 Phosphorylation
S526 Phosphorylation
K538 Ubiquitination
S542 Phosphorylation
K548 Ubiquitination
K612 Acetylation
K626 Acetylation
S670 Phosphorylation
K702 Sumoylation
Y709 Phosphorylation
S765 Phosphorylation
S772 Phosphorylation
S813 Phosphorylation
S887 Phosphorylation
S903 Phosphorylation
T912 Phosphorylation
K914 Sumoylation



Plays a role in the inducible expression of cytokine genes in T-cells, especially in the induction of the IL-2 or IL-4 gene transcription. Also controls gene expression in embryonic cardiac cells. Could regulate not only the activation and proliferation but also the differentiation and programmed death of T-lymphocytes as well as lymphoid and non-lymphoid cells. Required for osteoclastogenesis and regulates many genes important for osteoclast differentiation and function (By similarity).


Phosphorylated by NFATC-kinase and GSK3B; phosphorylation induces NFATC1 nuclear exit and dephosphorylation by calcineurin promotes nuclear import. Phosphorylation by PKA and DYRK2 negatively modulates nuclear accumulation, and promotes subsequent phosphorylation by GSK3B or casein kinase 1.


Cytoplasm. Nucleus.
Note: Cytoplasmic for the phosphorylated form and nuclear after activation that is controlled by calcineurin-mediated dephosphorylation. Rapid nuclear exit of NFATC is thought to be one mechanism by which cells distinguish between sustained and transient calcium signals. The subcellular localization of NFATC plays a key role in the regulation of gene transcription (PubMed:16511445). Nuclear translocation of NFATC1 is enhanced in the presence of TNFSF11. Nuclear translocation is decreased in the presence of FBN1 which can bind and sequester TNFSF11 (By similarity).

Extracellular region or secreted Cytosol Plasma membrane Cytoskeleton Lysosome Endosome Peroxisome ER Golgi apparatus Nucleus Mitochondrion Manual annotation Automatic computational assertionSubcellular location

Expressed in thymus, peripheral leukocytes as T-cells and spleen. Isoforms A are preferentially expressed in effector T-cells (thymus and peripheral leukocytes) whereas isoforms B and isoforms C are preferentially expressed in naive T-cells (spleen). Isoforms B are expressed in naive T-cells after first antigen exposure and isoforms A are expressed in effector T-cells after second antigen exposure. Isoforms IA are widely expressed but not detected in liver nor pancreas, neural expression is strongest in corpus callosum. Isoforms IB are expressed mostly in muscle, cerebellum, placenta and thymus, neural expression in fetal and adult brain, strongest in corpus callosum.


Member of the multicomponent NFATC transcription complex that consists of at least two components, a pre-existing cytoplasmic component NFATC2 and an inducible nuclear component NFATC1. Other members such as NFATC4, NFATC3 or members of the activating protein-1 family, MAF, GATA4 and Cbp/p300 can also bind the complex. NFATC proteins bind to DNA as monomers. Interacts with HOMER2 and HOMER3; this interaction may compete with calcineurin/PPP3CA-binding and hence prevent NFATC1 dephosphorylation and activation.


Rel Similarity Domain (RSD) allows DNA-binding and cooperative interactions with AP1 factors.

The N-terminal transactivation domain (TAD-A) binds to and is activated by Cbp/p300. The dephosphorylated form contains two unmasked nuclear localization signals (NLS), which allow translocation of the protein to the nucleus.

Isoforms C have a C-terminal part with an additional trans-activation domain, TAD-B, which acts as a transcriptional activator. Isoforms B have a shorter C-terminal part without complete TAD-B which acts as a transcriptional repressor.


· Cellular Processes > Cell growth and death > Cellular senescence.   (View pathway)

· Environmental Information Processing > Signal transduction > MAPK signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Environmental Information Processing > Signal transduction > cGMP-PKG signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Environmental Information Processing > Signal transduction > cAMP signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Environmental Information Processing > Signal transduction > Wnt signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Human Diseases > Infectious diseases: Viral > Hepatitis B.

· Human Diseases > Infectious diseases: Viral > HTLV-I infection.

· Human Diseases > Immune diseases > Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

· Organismal Systems > Development > Osteoclast differentiation.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > Th1 and Th2 cell differentiation.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > Th17 cell differentiation.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > T cell receptor signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > B cell receptor signaling pathway.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Endocrine system > Oxytocin signaling pathway.


1). The role of NPY2R/NFATc1/DYRK1A regulatory axis in sebaceous glands for sebum synthesis. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters, 2023 (PubMed: 37501148) [IF=8.3]

Application: WB    Species: Rat    Sample:

Fig. 5 The activity of NFATc1 induced by DYRK1A in early puberty. A Western blot show the expression of NFATc1 related phosphokinases and their phosphorylation in VS of PND-25 and PND-35. B Western blot show the phosphorylation of NFATc1 affected by DYRK1A inhibitor. C IF show the localization of NFATc1 and phosphorylated NFATc1 in VS of PND-25, PND25 with DYRK1A inhibitor and PND-35 (magnification ×200). The SG specimens from two individuals were used for western blot. The SG specimens from three individuals were used for immunofluorescence

Application: IF/ICC    Species: Rat    Sample:

Fig. 5 The activity of NFATc1 induced by DYRK1A in early puberty. A Western blot show the expression of NFATc1 related phosphokinases and their phosphorylation in VS of PND-25 and PND-35. B Western blot show the phosphorylation of NFATc1 affected by DYRK1A inhibitor. C IF show the localization of NFATc1 and phosphorylated NFATc1 in VS of PND-25, PND25 with DYRK1A inhibitor and PND-35 (magnification ×200). The SG specimens from two individuals were used for western blot. The SG specimens from three individuals were used for immunofluorescence

2). Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Regulate Osteoclast Differentiation Bidirectionally by Modulating the Cellular Production of Reactive Oxygen Species. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2020 (PubMed: 32922006) [IF=8.0]

Application: WB    Species: mouse    Sample: BMMs

Figure 6 CeO2NPs modulate osteoclast-specific gene expression via up- or downregulating the MAPK pathway, NF-κB pathway, and Nfatc1 signaling in a concentrationdependent manner. Notes: (A–F) qPCR analysis of expression of the osteoclast-specific genes Acp5, Ctsk, Dcstamp, Traf6, C-fos, and Calcr relative to Beta-actin in BMMs that were stimulated with RANKL for 4 days in the presence of various concentrations of CeO2NPs (n=3 per group). (G and H) Western blot analysis of the MAPK and NF-κB pathways. BMMs were pretreated with different concentrations of CeO2NPs for 24 h before stimulation with RANKL for 20 min. (I) Western blot of the translocation of dephosphorylated Nfatc1 into the nuclei of BMMs. BMMs were pretreated with different concentrations of CeO2NPs for 24 h before stimulation with RANKL for 40 min. All bar graphs are presented as the mean ± SD. **Indicates p<0.01 compared with the vehicle group (0 mg/L, RANKL+).

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