製品: Phospho-CD3 zeta (Tyr142) Antibody
カタログ: AF5425
タンパク質の説明: Rabbit polyclonal antibody to Phospho-CD3 zeta (Tyr142)
アプリケーション: WB IHC IF/ICC
反応性: Human, Mouse
予測: Pig, Bovine, Horse, Sheep, Rabbit
分子量: 19 kDa; 19kD(Calculated).
ユニプロット: P20963
RRID: AB_2837909


   サイズ 価格 在庫状況
 100ul $280 在庫あり
 200ul $350 在庫あり

リードタイム: 当日配達

For pricing and ordering contact:


WB 1:500-1:2000, IF/ICC 1:100-1:500, IHC 1:50-1:200
*The optimal dilutions should be determined by the end user.

WB: For western blot detection of denatured protein samples. IHC: For immunohistochemical detection of paraffin sections (IHC-p) or frozen sections (IHC-f) of tissue samples. IF/ICC: For immunofluorescence detection of cell samples. ELISA(peptide): For ELISA detection of antigenic peptide.

Pig(100%), Bovine(100%), Horse(83%), Sheep(92%), Rabbit(92%)
Phospho-CD3 zeta (Tyr142) Antibody detects endogenous levels of CD3 zeta only when phosphorylated at Tyr142.
引用形式: Affinity Biosciences Cat# AF5425, RRID:AB_2837909.
The antibody is from purified rabbit serum by affinity purification via sequential chromatography on phospho-peptide and non-phospho-peptide affinity columns.
Rabbit IgG in phosphate buffered saline , pH 7.4, 150mM NaCl, 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol. Store at -20 °C. Stable for 12 months from date of receipt.


4930549J05Rik; A430104F18Rik; AW552088; CD247; CD247 antigen; Cd247 molecule; Cd3; CD3 antigen, zeta polypeptide, isoform CRA_b; CD3 antigen, zeta subunit; CD3-eta; CD3H; CD3Q; Cd3z; CD3Z antigen zeta polypeptide (TiT3 complex); CD3Z_HUMAN; CD3zeta; CD3zeta chain; MGC140430; T cell receptor T3 zeta chain; T cell surface glycoprotein CD3 zeta chain; T-cell antigen receptor complex, zeta subunit of CD3; T-cell receptor T3 zeta chain; T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 zeta chain; T3z; TCR zeta chain; TCRk; TCRZ; TCRzeta;


P20963 CD3Z_HUMAN:

CD3Z is expressed in normal lymphoid tissue and in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) (PubMed:11722641).

Defects in CD3D are a cause of severe combined immunodeficiency autosomal recessive T-cell-negative/B-cell-positive/NK-cell-positive (T(-)/B(+)/NK(+) SCID) [MIM:608971]. A form of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), a genetically and clinically heterogeneous group of rare congenital disorders characterized by impairment of both humoral and cell-mediated immunity, leukopenia, and low or absent antibody levels.



Score>80(red) has high confidence and is suggested to be used for WB detection. *The prediction model is mainly based on the alignment of immunogen sequences, the results are for reference only, not as the basis of quality assurance.

Model Confidence:
High(score>80) Medium(80>score>50) Low(score<50) No confidence

PTMs - P20963 基板として

Site PTM Type Enzyme
S58 Phosphorylation
Y64 Phosphorylation
Y72 Phosphorylation
Y83 Phosphorylation
K88 Ubiquitination
K99 Ubiquitination
K104 Ubiquitination
Y111 Phosphorylation P06241 (FYN)
K116 Ubiquitination
K118 Ubiquitination
Y123 Phosphorylation P06241 (FYN)
S124 Phosphorylation
K129 Ubiquitination
K136 Ubiquitination
Y142 Phosphorylation P06239 (LCK)
S146 Phosphorylation
T147 Phosphorylation
T149 Phosphorylation
K150 Ubiquitination
T152 Phosphorylation
Y153 Phosphorylation



Part of the TCR-CD3 complex present on T-lymphocyte cell surface that plays an essential role in adaptive immune response. When antigen presenting cells (APCs) activate T-cell receptor (TCR), TCR-mediated signals are transmitted across the cell membrane by the CD3 chains CD3D, CD3E, CD3G and CD3Z. All CD3 chains contain immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) in their cytoplasmic domain. Upon TCR engagement, these motifs become phosphorylated by Src family protein tyrosine kinases LCK and FYN, resulting in the activation of downstream signaling pathways. CD3Z ITAMs phosphorylation creates multiple docking sites for the protein kinase ZAP70 leading to ZAP70 phosphorylation and its conversion into a catalytically active enzyme. Plays an important role in intrathymic T-cell differentiation. Additionally, participates in the activity-dependent synapse formation of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in both the retina and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) (By similarity).


Phosphorylated on Tyr residues after T-cell receptor triggering by LCK in association with CD4/CD8.


Membrane>Single-pass type I membrane protein.

Extracellular region or secreted Cytosol Plasma membrane Cytoskeleton Lysosome Endosome Peroxisome ER Golgi apparatus Nucleus Mitochondrion Manual annotation Automatic computational assertionSubcellular location

CD3Z is expressed in normal lymphoid tissue and in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs).


The TCR-CD3 complex is composed of a CD3D/CD3E and a CD3G/CD3E heterodimers that preferentially associate with TCRalpha and TCRbeta, respectively, to form TCRalpha/CD3E/CD3G and TCRbeta/CD3G/CD3E trimers. In turn, the hexamer interacts with CD3Z homodimer to form the TCR-CD3 complex. Alternatively, TCRalpha and TCRbeta can be replaced by TCRgamma and TCRdelta. Interacts with SLA. Interacts with TRAT1. Interacts with DOCK2. Interacts with SLA2. Interacts with SHB. Interacts with ZAP70. Interacts (tyrosine phosphorylated) with SHC1 (via SH2 domain). Interacts with PTPRC. Interacts with CRK; this interaction regulates CD3Z phosphorylation. Interacts (on T cell side) with CD81, ICAM1 and CD9 at immunological synapses between antigen-presenting cells and T cells. Interacts with CD160.

(Microbial infection) Interacts with HIV-1 Nef; this interaction up-regulates the expression of the Fas ligand (FASLG) at the cell surface.

(Microbial infection) Interacts with HIV-2 Nef protein; this interaction induces down-regulation of cell surface TCR/CD3 complexes.


The ITAM domains mediate interaction with SHB.

Belongs to the CD3Z/FCER1G family.


· Human Diseases > Infectious diseases: Parasitic > Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis).

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > Th1 and Th2 cell differentiation.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > Th17 cell differentiation.   (View pathway)

· Organismal Systems > Immune system > T cell receptor signaling pathway.   (View pathway)


1). Circulating tumor cells shielded with extracellular vesicle-derived CD45 evade T cell attack to enable metastasis. Signal transduction and targeted therapy, 2024 (PubMed: 38575583) [IF=39.3]

Application: WB    Species: Human    Sample:

Fig. 7 CD45 on tumor cells attenuates TCR signaling. a Immunoblot analysis for TCR signaling of Jurkat cells after activation with OKT3 (1 μg/mL) and cocultured with DLD1 cells overexpressing CD45 isoforms for 5 min. b Ca2+ influx of Jurkat cells after OKT3 (5 μg/mL) stimulation and cocultured with DLD1 cells with or without CD45 overexpression. c Immunofluorescence images of Jurkat cells after activation with OKT3 (1 μg/mL) and cocultured with DLD1 cells with or without CD45 overexpression for 5 min. Pearson’s correlation coefficient characterizes the colocalization of CD3ε (green) and CD45 (purple), each point represents one cell. Scale bar = 5 μm. d Immunoblot analysis for HLA-ABC expression of Caco2 cells overexpressing different CD45 isoforms. e Flow cytometric analysis of HLA-A2 expression on Caco2 cells. f Flow cytometric isolation of HLA-A2+ CD3+ T cells from PBMCs of healthy donors. g Immunoblot analysis for TCR signaling of HLA-A2+ CD3+ T cells after activation with OKT3 (1 μg/mL) and cocultured with Caco2 cells with or without CD45 overexpression within 5 min. h Immunoblot analysis for NY-ESO-1 expression in Caco2 cells after the indicated manipulation. i Immunoblot analysis for TCR signaling of Jurkat-TCR cells after activation with OKT3 (1 μg/mL) and cocultured with Caco2-NYESO1 cells with or without CD45 overexpression within 5 min. j Ca2+ influx of Jurkat-TCR cells after OKT3 (5 μg/mL) stimulation in the presence of Caco2-NYESO1 cells with or without overexpression of CD45 isoforms. k IL-2 secretion of Jurkat-TCR cells after cocultured with Caco2-NYESO1 cells with or without CD45 overexpression for 16 h. l Flow cytometric analysis of CD69 expression on Jurkat-TCR cells when cocultured with Caco2-NYESO1 cells with or without CD45 overexpression for 16 h. m, n CD45 exclusion from the immune synapse (IS) on Jurkat-TCR cells or CD8+ T-TCR cells in contact with Caco2-NYESO1 cells with or without CD45 overexpression after 5 min of activation with OKT3 (1 μg/mL), fixed, stained with anti-CD45 and anti-flag antibody. The exclusion percentage = (1-ICD45 in IS zone/ICD45 out IS zone) × 100%. I means intensity. Data are presented as median with 95% CI. Scale bar = 10 μm. o Schematic diagram showing the experimental setup for the investigation of the intercellular CD45-CD45 homophilic interactions. The co-immunoprecipitation data below illustrates the homophilic CD45-CD45 interactions in the cell model. p Immunofluorescence images showing the intercellular CD45-CD45 homophilic interactions detected by proximity ligation assay. Scale bar = 10 μm. q Schematic diagram showing the experimental setup for the investigation of the intercellular CD45-CD45 homophilic interactions. The co-immunoprecipitation data below illustrates the homophilic CD45-CD45 interactions between Caco2 cells overexpressing HA-CD45 and Jurkat-sgCD45-CD45GFP cells. r Immunofluorescence images showing the intercellular CD45-CD45 homophilic interactions detected by proximity ligation assay. Scale bar = 10 μm. s Predicted crystal structure of CD45-CD45 interactions using ZDOCK. t The proximity ligation assay and (u) the co-immunoprecipitation data showing the homophilic CD45-CD45 interactions between HEK293T-HA-CD45 and HEK293T-MYC-CD45 cells with or without CD45 truncation of amino sites 430–436. Scale bar = 10 μm. v Schematic diagram showing the regulation of the TCR-pMHC complex and the potential immuno-modulatory role of CD45-CD45 dimerization between tumor cells and T cells. Unless otherwise specified, all bar graph data are presented as means ± SEM. *P 

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